New Student Enrollment
Welcome to Hempstead ISD!
Online Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year opens on July 15, 2024.
Hempstead Early Childhood Center 524 Austin Street – Hempstead Campus Registrar: CLOSED until July 15, 2024 | Hempstead Elementary 1340 13th Street – Hempstead Campus Registrar: CLOSED in July 2024 |
Hempstead Middle School 2532 9th Street – Hempstead Campus Registrar: CLOSED in July 2024 | Hempstead High School 801 Donoho Street – Hempstead Campus Registrar: CLOSED in July 2024 |
For additional assistance please contact:
Natalie Grennon - PEIMS Manager
(979) 826-3304, Ext. 225
2024-2025 School Year New Student Enrollment:
A student is NEW to Hempstead ISD if:
a student has never attended a school in Hempstead ISD; or
a student had previously attended a school in Hempstead ISD but withdrew before the school year ended and needs to re-enroll.
ALL registered students must be in attendance on the first day of school or they will be withdrawn.
NEW! Hempstead ISD Student Will Need the Following Forms to Enroll
Valid State Issued ID of the Parent/Legal Guardian
Two proofs of Hempstead ISD residency (utility statement, HISD property tax statement, current lease/rental agreement/mortgage statement, or current personal business mail that lists parent/guardian name and physical address)
Student’s Birth Certificate
Student’s Immunization Records
Student’s Social Security Card
Last report card/transcripts – Documentation showing last grade level

New to District Helpful Resources
New Enrollment FAQs
Additional Enrollment Resources
Pre-K Registration
Please bring the following documents to enroll your student:
Valid State issued ID for parent/legal guardian. Legal guardian must have legal guardianship papers. Also please provide a copy of the divorce decree by the judge, stating custody, if applicable.
Two forms of residency verification that list the parent/guardian name and physical address, for example, property deed, HISD property tax statement, current lease/rental agreement or mortgage statement, current utility statement.
Student’s social security card
Student’s state certified birth certificate. If the student was born in the state of Texas, a certified birth certificate can be obtained from the Waller County Clerk’s Office for $23.
Student’s immunization record
Qualifications for Pre-K
A child must be 3 or 4 years of age on or before September 1 of the enrolling school year and meet at least one of the following criteria.
Unable to speak or comprehend the English language (ESL testing required)
Economically disadvantaged based on family income or government assistance (proof of income and/or benefits received required)
Homeless (Student Residency Questionnaire required)
Child of active or reserve military parent
Child of parent who was injured or killed during active military duty
Child is or has ever been in the care of DFPS
Child of a parent who received the Star of Texas Award
Enrolled in PK3 in the prior school year