HES students

On May 4, 2024, voters approved a $45.7 million bond referendum to build a new Early Childhood Center, address aging facilities, and update safety and infrastructure.

Safety, Security and Functionality

Proposition A will provide a replacement campus for Hempstead Early Childhood Center, a cafeteria and band hall addition at Hempstead High School, an auxiliary gym addition at Hempstead Middle School, an enclosed connector from the cafeteria/band hall to Hempstead Middle School and between all four buildings at Hempstead Elementary School, concession/restroom building at baseball field, HVAC unit replacements, control upgrades, testing & balance districtwide, and a roof replacement at Hempstead Middle School at a cost of $42,320,000.

Proposition B will provide a new synthetic turf field and track at Bobcat Stadium at a cost of $3,400,000.

Construction Timeline

The projects covered by the 2024 bond referendum will be undertaken from 2024 through completion. Some factors that impact the schedule are:

  • how imminently critical the need;

  • the volume and complexity of projects that can be effectively managed simultaneously;

  • economies of scale that can be achieved by bundling similar projects when doing so maximizes resources and is practical;

  • minimize interruptions to the campus environment.
