From a young age, Victor Venegas faced challenges that could have easily derailed his life. However, with the support of teachers and mentors, he found his path and is now an Assistant Professor in the College of Nursing at Roseman University of Health Sciences.
Venegas moved to Hempstead, TX from Mexico with his family when he was six years old. After his parent's divorce, he was raised by his father and grandparents. He credits his religious roots and the guidance of teachers in Hempstead for helping him stay on the straight and narrow. In high school, he and his friends originally joined the school’s nursing program to meet girls, but to their surprise, several of their classmates had the same plan. Although, his plan fell through he pushed through the coursework and obtained a CNA license before graduation.
After graduation in 2000, he moved to San Antonio without a plan and began working in a hospital emergency room. He trained in the ER and became a tech. The work ethic he learned from his father and grandparents was quickly noticed. His boss encouraged him to pursue nursing school. After completing his degree he moved to Utah. He eventually became a nurse practitioner and now teaches at a university. Victor believes that hard work and determination are the keys to success, and he has set a high bar for his own children.
“People who believed in me pushed me into spaces that set me up for success,” Venegas said. “I’m thankful for that. A kid who lived in a little trailer home, with no direction, other than staying out of trouble. I believe if you put in good energy, you get good energy back.”
Looking back, Venegas credits his CNA teachers at Hempstead High School, Dr. Black, a local dentist and family friend, and his grandparents for inspiring him to succeed. He encourages young Hempstead ISD students to keep pushing forward, even in the face of adversity.
“I believe that getting a skill set or certification can lead to success. I never had a path and I never had a goal, but God had a plan for me.”
Currently living in Salt Lake City, Utah, Venegas is grateful for the people who supported him along the way. He believes that we are all products of our society and that the community of Hempstead played a significant role in his journey to success. With his wife and two daughters by his side, Venegas is excited about what the future holds and hopes to one day open his own clinic.