During the May 20 School Board Meeting, Superintendent Herbert O'Neil and the Board of Trustees recognized Mr. Ricky Pearce for his 18 years of service on the School Board.
Board President Connie Wawarofsky and Superintendent O'Neil thanked Mr. Pearce for his knowledge, commitment to doing what is right for students and staff, and for being an outstanding Board Member.
Mr. Pearce spoke a few words about his time on the Board and offered words of advice to Susan Hopkins, who was elected to the board (Board Trustee Position 5) in May and sworn in during the May 20 meeting. The Board Members and Superintendent O'Neil presented Mr. Pearce with a special plaque honoring his service in Hempstead ISD.
Thank you Mr. Pearce for your dedication and commitment to Hempstead ISD students, staff, and schools. We appreciate the work you have done over the years for our district.