HHS Horse Judging Team

The Hempstead ISD Board of Trustees met on Monday, January 23.

Before the start of the January board meeting, Hempstead Middle School students Victoria Espino and Nate Peterson led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the Texas Flag. During the meeting, the January Students, Campus Teachers, and Support Staff of the Month were celebrated. 

Board Recognition Month

January is School Board Recognition Month, a time to recognize the Hempstead ISD Board of Trustees for their dedication and commitment to the District and its students. This year the theme for Board Month is “Leadership for Tomorrow’s Texas.” Superintendent O’Neil took time to thank the Board for their selfless dedication to Hempstead students and staff. District leaders, staff, and students honored the Board Members with gifts of appreciation during the meeting.  

  • President: Connie Wawarofsky (Position 7)

  • Vice President: Tressey Wilson (Position 1)

  • Secretary: Julian Alvarez (Position 6)

  • Trustee: James Glover (Position 2)

  • Trustee: Albert Garfield (Position 3)

  • Trustee: Hoveta Godines (Position 4)

  • Trustee: Susan Hopkins (Position 5)

Students Recognized

The Hempstead High School FFA Horse Judging Team was recognized during the meeting for being named in the Top 20 teams in the state of Texas. 

Each campus selects one student of the month from each grade level to be recognized for their excellence, efforts, and achievement in being outstanding students on campus.

Hempstead Early Childhood Center

  • Pre-K 3: Andrea Berumen Aguilera

  • Pre-K 4: Yoanna Ortega

Hempstead Elementary School

  • K: Julieta Venegas

  • 1st: Damon Pitman

  • 2nd: Lucia Ponce

  • 3rd: Sophia Sanchez

  • 4th: Christopher Maxwell

  • 5th: Vicente Macedo Villegas

Hempstead Middle School 

  • 6th: Victoria Espino

  • 7th: Nate Peterson

  • 8th: Kailey McDade

Hempstead High School 

  • 9th: Eli DeBruin

  • 10th: Janaveve Trujillo

  • 11th: Keily Pacheco

  • 12th: Patria Hood

Employees Recognized

Hempstead Early Childhood Center 

January HECC Teacher of the Month - Everett Waddel, PK Teacher
January HECC Support Staff of the Month - Gloria Torres, PK Paraprofessional

Hempstead Elementary School 

January HES Teacher of the Month - Geraldine Williams, 2nd Grade Teacher
January HES Support Staff of the Month - Vanessa Carrizalez, Registrar

Hempstead Middle School 

January HMS Teacher of the Month - Karen Peyton, 7th Math/8th Algebra 1 Teacher
January HMS Support Staff of the Month - Mercedes Silva, Library Paraprofessional 

Hempstead High School

January HHS Teacher of the Month - Carly Becker, SPED Dept. Chair/Inclusion Teacher
January Support Staff of the Month - Seretta Madison, Secretary

Operations Employee of the Month

The January Operations Employee of the Month is Paula Vazquez, Hempstead ISD Custodian.

Information Items

During the meeting, Hempstead ISD Chief Academic Officer, Emily Vermeulen, presented Strategic Plan Goal 1 updates. Goal 1 focuses on ensuring success for all learners Hempstead ISD will provide the tools and resources to support effective teaching and learning that fosters communication, engagement, and critical thinking. The updates focused on Quarter 2 Interim Assessments. 

The following action items were approved during the meeting:

  • Approved the 2025-2026 District Calendar

  • Approved Budget Amendment #2

  • Approved the Order Calling Hempstead ISD Board of Trustees Election for May 3, 2025 (Position 1, Position 2 and Position 3).

  • Approved 2024-2025 Hempstead Elementary School Targeted Improvement Plan.

  • Approved Hempstead Middle School Targeted Improvement Plan.

  • Approved Hempstead High School Targeted Improvement Plan.

The February Board meeting will be held on Monday, February 24, and will begin at 6 p.m. in the Administration Building Board Room.