Hempstead High School is excited to announce its upcoming Course Selection Night for students in Grades 8-11. The event will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. on February 8, at Hempstead High School, 801 Donoho St. The event will give students and families an opportunity to explore the various courses offered at the high school level, learn more about the curriculum, and make informed decisions about their course selections for the 2023-2024 school year.
The event will begin with a parent information session from 6 to 6:30 p.m. in the Hempstead High School auditorium, where parents will learn about the course selection process, graduation plans, campus expectations, and can ask any questions they may have. Following the parent information session, students and families will be able to explore the different courses available to them. This will include traditional academic subjects such as math, science, and English, as well as elective courses such as art, band, and physical education.
In addition to the traditional academic courses, students will also have the opportunity to explore a variety of Career Technology Education (CTE) courses such as welding, agriculture science, culinary arts, and more. These courses provide students with hands-on learning experiences and the opportunity to explore potential career paths.
Course Selection Night is the perfect opportunity for families and students to learn more about the high school courses available to them and make informed decisions about their course selections. It is also a great opportunity for families to meet with teachers, counselors, and campus administrators who can provide guidance and support throughout the course selection process. In addition to academic representatives, there will be members of campus clubs and organizations onsite to learn about.
All families and students in Grades 8-11 are encouraged to attend Course Selection Night on February 8.